I am so happy to announce the re-opening June 19th 2020 !
I am so happy to announce the re-opening June 19th 2020 !
You will reap the benefits of massage if it becomes a regular part of your life. My goal is for us to work together to take better care of your health, long-term.
Communication is key. I need to know what you're feeling, experiencing and what you're looking to gain in order to best help you. In turn, I will explain the treatment and what you can expect to gain from it.
Massage is a tool to help heal. Whether it's stress, illness or simply to pamper yourself, the benefits of massage can be life changing. I would be honored to take that journey with you.
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Deep Tissue Massage reaches deeper layers of muscles. It is used to break down knots and relieve pressure points throughout the body. This massage is beneficial for athletes and those who sit for long periods of time.
The goal of Swedish Massage is to melt away muscle tension and increase the blood flow to your heart. Swedish Massage is extremely therapeutic as it decreases muscle toxins, increases oxygen levels in the blood, and improves flexibility in the body.
Hot Stone Massage is often paired with Swedish Massage. Stones are heated and used with oils to sooth, warm, and massage your muscles. This allows your body to relax and release tension and stress.
Massage by Patti
1978 East Main Street,B Ventura, California 93001, (Located behind the building off of Anacapa Street ) United States
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